Thursday, April 26, 2012

Bad Behavior

Last night our girl decided she didn't want her arterial line anymore so she removed it.  What she didn't realize was that arterial lines are nonnegotiable following OHS and one was promptly reinserted.  Her feisty disposition and bad decision making bought her some of these:

Yep, baby restraints

She was also started on another sedative that will hopefully keep her a bit calmer.  I love CMH - they are not stingy with their drugs.  Reese has been snoozing away all day.  Now her IV cocktail looks something like this:

She was starting to get a little puffy from the fluid she received in the OR and during the first few hours of her PICU stay.  So now she's getting some medication to jump start her kidneys & help her pee.  It's working:

We've had a good day.  They've been gradually weaning the support provided by the breathing machine throughout the day and she's tolerating it well.  There's a small chance she could lose the breathing tube tonight but it gets tricky with the amount of sedation she's requiring.  I have a feeling they will keep it in overnight, let her get 12 more hours of good rest and then try pulling it in the morning.  Either way, she's stable, she's comfortable and we're pleased as punch with her progress.

In the meantime, our princess got a pedicure.  Her little piggies were just begging for some polish & our awesome nurse delivered:

Naked nails

Pretty in pink

Now if you'll excuse me, I'll get back to reading "The Hunger Games". 

1 comment:

  1. Cutest toes EVER!!!! Reese's fiesty spirit will serve her well in life. You go girl!
