Saturday, April 28, 2012

Bye Bye, PICU!

As much as I loved the staff and care we received in the PICU, I was not the least bit sad to hear we were leaving.  We bid them farewell this afternoon.

We've moved to the telemetry floor where Reese's heart rate & oxygen levels will still be monitored continuously.  We have a private room with a comfortable cot and attached bathroom.  Mama's happy.

It felt like Christmas in April today with presents galore for Reese and her family.  We are beyond blessed to have the most generous and most caring family and friends around. 

Many thanks to my RMC pals - my first healthy bit of food in 4 days

Aunt Sarah is making a strong bid for the "favorite aunt" title

We have a habit of giving nicknames to rooms around our house.  Reagan's room has been dubbed "The Pig Sty" and Reese's room has been declared "The Jungle".  Grandpa and Grandma Wallace dropped off the perfect accessories for each of their rooms. 

Now if I could just find some bats and stalactites to decorate the girls' playroom, a.k.a. "The Cave".

Reese is obviously making wonderful progress.  She's snoozing away in her own PJs and her arsenal of medical goodies has been whittled down to one peripheral IV.  I look at pictures taken just 3 days ago and can't believe it's the same baby.   


  1. What Josie wouldn't give for that Elmo balloon! Too cool! Way to go Miss Reese!

  2. She's so alert and observant! Lukie would be all over the place. How does she stay so calm laying there?! Oh, and those toes. OMG... to stinkin' cute.

  3. glad that things are going great. Did I hear that you made it back home too?
