Wednesday, April 25, 2012

She's Pink!!

Our girl is pink, a rosy beautiful shade of pink.  Amidst the sea of wires and tubes, this is the first thing I noticed when we were finally allowed to see her following surgery.  I can't peel my eyes away from her rosy cheeks.  It's amazing what good circulation can do for the complexion.

I expected to have a minor meltdown when reunited with her in the PICU.  Instead I was elated.  Ask Ben.  I was grinning from ear to ear, felt downright giddy.  She rocked the surgery & she is rocking recovery.  That's not just a proud mama gloating - her team agrees she's a rockstar. 

I want to adopt her nurse.  She's awesome.  And she's doing a great job managing these bad boys:

I surprised myself by keeping it together for most of the day.  I lost it during the hand-off before surgery.  And I lost it when these balloons & bear were delivered.  I love my PC girls.

All in all, we couldn't be happier.  And we couldn't be more grateful for modern medicine and for skilled hands that mend broken hearts.  Happy Heart Day, Punks!!


  1. Go Reese! You look beautiful! What a fantastic little fighter you are!

  2. I'm so glad she is through the surgery and recovery is going well. I can't imagine how hard that must have been. I'm glad it's over.
